Discover Petra Tours: The Ultimate Guide to Exploring Jordan's Ancient City

Petra Tours is a stunning and historic city carved into the rose-red mountains of southern Jordan. As a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Petra Tours attracts thousands of visitors every year , and for good reason. In this ultimate guide, we'll explore everything you need to know about Petra Tours, from its fascinating history to the must-see attractions and activities. The History of Petra Tours Petra Tours is believed to have been established as early as 312 BC by the Nabataean people. They were skilled traders who established a network of cities and trade routes across the Middle East. Petra Tours served as their capital city, and the Nabataeans built many of the city's most iconic structures, including the Treasury and the Monastery. Over the centuries, Petra Tours was occupied by a number of different empires, including the Romans and the Byzantines. The city eventually fell into decline, and was abandoned by the 7th century. It remained lost to the world until it was redisco...